article the application process for aid and attendance pension.
Understanding How Pension Fits into the Scheme of Things at VA
Pension (aid and attendance benefit) and its sister benefit, Compensation, are two disability income programs available to veterans. Compensation is the more heavily used benefit and is available to veterans who have service-connected disabilities. VA estimates about 35% of all currently discharging veterans will apply for Compensation some time during their lives. Pension is a lesser used benefit and a lesser known disability income that is available to veterans who served during a period of war. Pension is available to war veterans who are non-service-connected disabled or age 65 and older. Special death benefit arrangements related to these two disability programs are also available to surviving dependents of veterans.
Claims for Compensation and Pension are submitted on the same application form and VA can grant either one. Generally, Compensation is the more desirable benefit because there is no income or asset test and it is not taxable as income. Pension works best for veteran households with very low income who do not qualify for Compensation. Pension also fits well for veteran households incurring the high costs of long term care services and in these cases may be a better alternative to Compensation...