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article who is eligible for the veterans a. & a. pension benefit?

To receive Pension, a veteran must have served on active duty, at least 90 days, during a period of war. There must be an honorable discharge. Single surviving spouses of such veterans are also eligible. If younger than 65, the veteran must be totally disabled. If age 65 and older, there is no requirement for disability. There is no disability requirement for a single surviving spouse.

The veteran household cannot have income -- adjusted for unreimbursed medical expenses -- exceeding the Maximum Allowable Pension Rate-- MAPR -- for that veteran's Pension income category. If the adjusted income exceeds MAPR, there is no benefit. If adjusted income is less than the MAPR, the veteran receives a Pension income that is equal to the difference between MAPR and the household income adjusted for unreimbursed medical expenses. The Pension income is calculated, based on 12 months of future household income, but paid monthly...

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 about aid & attendance
  What is the Veterans Aid & Attendance pension benefit?
  Who is eligible for the Veterans Aid & Attendance pension benefit?
  The special case of Long Term Medical Costs.
  Using aid & attendance to pay any person for care at home.
  Using aid & attendance for professional home care.
  Using aid & attendance for to pay for assisted living.
  Using aid & attendance for to pay for a nursing home.
  The application process for aid and attendance Pension.
  Using an aid & attendance benefits consultant.
  When the family can submit a claim without help.
  When the family should use a benefits consultant.
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